[행사/세미나] [Colloquium] October 2(Wed.) Theoretical Spintronics: Spin Hall effects and variants
- 물리학과
- 조회수926
- 2024-09-24
이번 학기 두 번째 콜로퀴움은 울산대학교 임성현 교수님을 모시고 콜로퀴움을 개최하오니, 학과 구성원 여러분의 많은 참여를 부탁 드립니다.
아 래
1. Title: Theoretical Spintronics: Spin Hall effects and variants
2. Speaker: 임 성 현 교수님 (울산대학교 나노반도체공학과)
3. Date & Time: October 2(Wed.) 2024. 4:30 PM
4. Place: Natural Science 1, Room No. 31214
5. Abstract: Spintronics is the next generation electronics to fully utilize spin degree of freedom. Already, spintronics have proved its utility in GMR (Giant Magnetoresistance) in mid 90’s to have greatly enhanced hard disk capacity. Modern spintronics aims to realize MRAM (magnetic RAM) with two mechanisms. STT (spin-transfer torque) based MRAM is already commercialized, where SOT (spin-orbit torque) has been intensively studied. So far technological overview is provided. Underlying physics of technology relies heavily on quantum mechanics and topology as expected. Here, I introduce my research on spintronics, more specifically spin Hall effect. in the framework of first-principles calculations. Also, I present how physics tools are beneficial in engineering —using topology or Berry curvature.