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  • 교수 강상관전자계
  • 한정훈 홈페이지 바로가기
    Lab 정보 물질 이론 연구


Theory of topological matter, Theory of photon-electron composite matter
Theory of tensor network matter


  • (PhD) 1991-1997 University of Washington


  • 1997-1999 Post-doctoral fellow at Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics
  • 1999-2001 Post-doctoral fellow at UC Berkeley
  • 2001-2003 Konkuk University
  • 2003-2016 Sungkyunkwan University

학술지 논문

  • (2024)  Topological dipole insulator.  SCIPOST PHYSICS.  17,  1
  • (2024)  Anomalous thermal Hall conductivity of ferromagnetic transition metals.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  109,  11
  • (2023)  Supercurrent-induced anomalous thermal Hall effect as a new probe to superconducting gap anisotropy.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  108,  4
  • (2023)  Kondo interaction in FeTe and its potential role in the magnetic order.  NATURE COMMUNICATIONS.  14,  1
  • (2023)  Dipole condensates in tilted Bose-Hubbard chains.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  107,  19
  • (2023)  Aspects of ZN rank-2 gauge theory in (2+1) dimensions: Construction schemes, holonomies, and sublattice one-form symmetries.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  107,  15
  • (2023)  Topological nature of dislocation networks in two-dimensional moir? materials.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  107,  12
  • (2022)  Hybrid rank-1 and rank-2 U(1) lattice gauge theory, the F3 model, and its effective field theory.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  106,  15
  • (2022)  Understanding resistance oscillation in the CsV3Sb5 superconductor.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  106,  18
  • (2022)  Topological thermal Hall effect of magnons in magnetic skyrmion lattice.  PHYSICAL REVIEW A.  4,  4
  • (2022)  Effective field theory of dipolar braiding statistics in two dimensions.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  106,  15
  • (2022)  Rank-2 toric code in two dimensions.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  105,  4
  • (2021)  Tailoring topological Hall effect in SrRuO3/SrTiO3 superlattices.  ACTA MATERIALIA.  216, 
  • (2021)  Stable humplike Hall effect and noncoplanar spin textures in SrRuO3 ultrathin films.  PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH.  3,  2
  • (2021)  Subsystem Ginzburg-Landau and symmetry-protected topological order coexisting on a graph.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  103,  19
  • (2021)  Matrix product wave function of the ground state and elementary excitations in the spin-1 2 chain.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  103,  12
  • (2021)  Matrix product wave function of the ground state and elementary excitations in the spin-1/2 chain.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  103,  12
  • (2020)  Thermal Hall Effects of Spins and Phonons in Kagome Antiferromagnet Cd-Kapellasite.  PHYSICAL REVIEW X.  10,  4
  • (2020)  Construction of variational matrix product states for the Heisenberg spin-1 chain.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  102,  8
  • (2020)  Path integral for spin-1 chain in the fluctuating matrix product state basis.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  102,  4


  • (2020)  물질의 물리학.  김영사.  단독
  • (2017)  Skyrmions in Condensed Matter.  Springer.  단독
  • (2004)  이공학도를 위한 물리학실험.  성균관대학교 출판부.  공동


  • (2006)  Spin-lattice interaction effect in frustrated antiferromagnets.  Physica B.  오스트리아
  • (2003)  Tunnelling spectra of inhomogeneous d-wave superconductor.  International Journal of Modern Physics B.  미국