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  • 부교수 고체물리학
  • 김영국
    Lab 고체전자구조계산연구실


응집물질물리이론, 제일원리계산, 위상 밴드 이론, 위상 물질, 낮은 차원 물질,  
강상관 물질, 에너지 물질


  • (Ph.D.) 2013 서울대학교 물리천문학과 (물리학 전공) (B.S.) 2006 서울대학교 물리천문학과 (물리학, 수학 복수전공)


  • 2017 – 현재 성균관대학교 물리학과 부교수
  • 2013 – 2017 University of Pennsylvania 화학과 박사 후 연구원

학술지 논문

  • (2023)  Monolayer Kagome metals <i>A</i>V<sub>3</sub>Sb<sub>5</sub>.  NATURE COMMUNICATIONS.  14,  1
  • (2022)  Topological phase transitions without symmetry indication in NaZnSb1-xBix.  SCIENTIFIC REPORTS.  12,  1
  • (2022)  Tunable bulk photovoltaic effect in strained gamma-GeSe.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  106,  20
  • (2022)  Two-dimensional weak topological insulators in inversion-symmetric crystals.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  105,  12
  • (2021)  Coexistence of Surface Superconducting and Three-Dimensional Topological Dirac States in Semimetal KZnBi.  PHYSICAL REVIEW X.  11,  2
  • (2021)  Higher-Order Topological Corner State Tunneling in Twisted Bilayer Graphene.  CARBON.  174,  1
  • (2020)  Decelerated Hot Carrier Cooling in Graphene via Nondissipative Carrier Injection from MoS2.  ACS NANO.  14,  10
  • (2019)  Higher-Order Topological Insulator in Twisted Bilayer Graphene.  PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS.  123,  21
  • (2019)  Atomic and electronic structures of graphene-decorated graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) as a metal-free photocatalyst under visible-light.  APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL.  256,  -
  • (2019)  Dual topological nodal line and nonsymmorphic Dirac semimetal in three dimensions.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  99,  20
  • (2019)  Millimeter-Scale Growth of Single-Oriented Graphene on a Palladium Silicide Amorphous Film.  ACS NANO.  13,  2
  • (2018)  Design of 2D massless Dirac fermion systems and quantum spin Hall insulators based on sp-sp(2) carbon sheets.  NPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS.  4,  54
  • (2018)  Band Topology and Linking Structure of Nodal Line Semimetals with Z(2) Monopole Charges.  PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS.  121,  10
  • (2018)  Dirac-Weyl Semimetal: Coexistence of Dirac and Weyl Fermions in Polar Hexagonal ABC Crystals.  PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS.  121,  10
  • (2018)  Wallpaper fermions and the nonsymmorphic Dirac insulator.  SCIENCE.  361,  6399
  • (2018)  Crystalline Bilayer Graphene with Preferential Stacking from Ni-Cu Gradient Alloy.  ACS NANO.  12,  3
  • (2017)  Large-area synthesis of high-quality monolayer 1T'-WTe2 flakes.  2D MATERIALS.  4,  2
  • (2017)  Influence of the Dimensionality and Organic Cation on Crystal and Electronic Structure of Organometallic Halide Perovskites.  JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C.  121,  12
  • (2016)  Monolayer Single-Crystal 1T '-MoTe2 Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition Exhibits Weak Antilocalization Effect.  NANO LETTERS.  16,  7
  • (2024)  Stacking-dependent Van Hove singularity shifts in three-dimensional charge density waves of kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, Cs).  Current Applied Physics.  68,