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Nuclear, Particle & Astrophysics

Theoretical Particle Physics Lab. Link

Prof. Yoonbai KIM

Research Interests

Supersymmetric Gauge Theory
Quantum Gravity
Strongly Coupled Condensed Matter Systems
Accelerating Universe

Research Methods

Nonperturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory
String Theory and M-Theory
Gauge/Gravity Duality

High Energy Physics Lab. Link

Prof. Intae YU

Research Interests

Search and Measurement for Elementary Particles
Neutrino Oscillation Measurement
Radiation Hard Silicon Detector R&D

Research Equipment & Tools

LHC Particle Accelerator & CMS Particle Detector
RENO Neutrino Detector
VME Data Acquisition & Silicon Probe Station

Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics Lab. Link

Prof. Kyung Yuk CHAE

Research Interests

Study on the origin of basic elements
Understanding explosive stellar phenomena
Nuclear reaction measurements

Research Equipment & Tools

Radioactive Heavy Ion Beam Accelerator
Silicon detectors
Gas-filled ionization chamber

Nuclear Physics Lab. Link

Prof. Seung-Woo HONG

Research Interests

Nuclear reaction and structure
Detection and application of radiations
Neutron star and nucleosynthesis
Construction and application of nuclear data
Nuclear energy

Research Methods

Theories on nuclear reaction and structure
Quark model and nucleosynthesis models
HP Ge detector and gas detector
User-friendly nuclear data
Accelerator Driven System

Neutrino AstroParticle Physics Lab Link

Prof. Carsten Rott

Research Interests

What is our Universe made of ? What is dark matter?
Energetic particles - What is the origin of the high-energy cosmic rays ?
Physics beyond the standard model - Understanding the neutrino sector
Applied neutrino physics: What is the composition of the Earth’s Core ?

Research Equipment & Tools

Data analysis with world’s largest neutrino telescope IceCube @ South Pole
Optical sensors for next generation neutrino detectors
Neutrino and muon tomography(tomography)

Theoretical astro-particle physics and cosmology Lab. Link

Prof. Ki-Young Choi

Research Interests

우주의 진화와 물질의 관계 | Early Universe and Matter
암흑물질과 암흑에너지 | Dark Matter and Dark Energy
물질-반물질 비대칭성| Asymmetry between Matter and Anti-matter
다중진호 우주입자 | Multi-messenger cosmic particles

Research Methods (이론전공)

입자물리, 천체물리, 우주론 | Particle Physics, Astro-Physics and Cosmology
다중신호 우주입자 | Multi-messenger Cosmic Particle
우주배경복사, 우주거대구조 | Comic Microwave Background, Large Scale Structure

Experimental Gravitational Wave Research Lab Link

Prof. Kyung-Ha Lee

Research Interests

중력파 검출기 | Gravitational Wave Detector Science
다중신호천문학 | Multi-messenger Astronomy
분자구조 분석 | Atomic Structure Characterization
광학적 성질 분석 | Optical Property Characterization
서스펜션 기술개발 | Suspension Structure Development

Research Equipments & Tools

LIGO 중력파 검출기 실험 | Experimental research for LIGO detector
TEM/FIB: 회절을 이용한 구조분석 | Atomic Structure Analysis with TEM and FIB
다중신호천문학 | Multi-messenger Astronomy

Lepton Collider Experiment Lab Link

Prof. Myeong-Jae Lee

Research Interests

New physics search through the charged lepton flavor violation experiment
Domestic particle physics experiment with muon and neutrino
Development of particle detector electronics

Research Methods

KEK accelerator facility, Belle-II detector
J-PARC accelerator facility, COMET detector

High-energy Nuclear Physics Lab Link

Prof. Beom-kyu Kim

Research Interests

Understanding of the strong interaction by researching on the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) in ALICE Experiment at CERN
Understanding of the strong interaction by researching on the nuclear symmetry energy in LAMPS Experiment at RAON

Research Methods

Big-data analysis of about 10 Peta Byte nucleus-nucleus collision data using the supercomputer grid of CERN and KISTI
Big-data analysis of neutron-rich nucleus collision data using the supercomputer grid of RAON and KISTI
Research on next generation detectors in ALICE Experiment at CERN
Research on next generation detectors in LAMPS Experiment at RAON

Experimental High-Energy Particle Astrophysics Lab. Link

Prof. Chang Dong Rho

Research Interests

고에너지 (입자) 천체물리 | High-energy (particle) Astrophysics
감마선 천체물리 | Gamma-ray Astrophysics (multi-TeV)
멀티메신저 천문 | Multi-Messenger Astronomy
우주선 천체물리 | Cosmic ray Astrophysics (UHECR)
중력파 | Gravitational Waves

Research Methods & Tools

가장 작은 것(입자)을 통해 가장 큰 것(천체)을 관측 및 연구
북반구 감마선 관측소 | High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory
남반구 감마선 관측소 | Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO)
우주선 관측 우주실험 | Joint Experiment Missions for Extreme Universe Space Observatory(JEM-EUSO)
중력파 관측 우주실험 | Stellar Interferometer Space Antenna (SISA)
